Old school heads were introduced to graffiti through seminal documentaries like Style Wars, classic films like Wildstyle or essential books like Subway Art. Then came a wave of magazines from virtually every established scene on the planet before blogs like Fotolog and Tumblr allowed individuals to share their work with an international audience directly.
There can be no doubt that the modern era of graffiti media revolves around Instagram, although TikTok is gaining ground fast. However, this model of rapid consumption has an alternative. Podcasts enable producers to take deep dives into the culture, exploring events and experiences in detail, or devoting time to debate and opinion. MTN World has consulted our multilingual crew to source the best graffiti podcasts from around the world, which we list right here. It’s hard to compare them in terms of quality given the different languages that they’re recorded in, so they’re not ranked in any particular order.


Country: USA Language: English First aired: 2020 Frequency: Weekly The Angel & Z podcast first aired in June 2020 and has established itself as one of the most influential podcasts in the world. The young presenters have presided over some truly fascinating conversations, and their privileged position at the mecca of graffiti has given them up-close-and-personal access to huge names in the game: from veterans like CHINO BYI, KR and Claw Money to active bombers like XSM, Sucky Bat and Resq 246. The podcast has also featured significant figures from outside of the graffiti scene, adding to the reach and scope of the project. Through fundraisers they have supported writers who have fallen on hard times, and they just dropped a book called “Until Forever”, exclusively available to subscribers. Don’t miss: EP.13: OJae FYC. A gripping history of a writer who suffered abuse as a child, joined the Navy before going on to bombing with the best of them: JA XTC.


Country: Germany 
Language: English
 First aired: 2015
 Frequency: Monthly Although Vantage Point Radio is nominally based in Germany, it is a podcast with a truly international scope. Hosted by the American artist James Bullough and the Aussie Tom Auto 64, the pair focus on graffiti art, new muralism and street art. Fans of painting in its rawest form should check out their interviews with Mr. Paradox Paradise and 1UP, whilst the conversations with Shok 1 and Royyal Dog demonstrate how this craft has been elevated to fine art. They have been consistently publishing new material every month since 2015, so their one of the OGs in this list. Don’t miss: EP 122: Mode 2. The pioneer of graffiti in Europe gives a rare interview to Vantage Point, speaking on his youth in London, passage to France and informed reflections on the current state of affairs.


Country: Germany 
Language: German/English 
First aired: 2019
 Frequency: Monthly The German graffiti scene is one of the strongest in the world and it has a voice to match in the I Love Graffiti podcast. Starting in 2019, the podcast – which switches between German and English, depending on the guest – has featured a who’s who of national and international writers. They have used their connections to pull in legends like Seen and Lee, Can Two and Zack, but they make sure the contemporary scene gets its due through chats with 1UP and Atom One. We noticed that they have occasionally invited paint brands to talk about their history, but haven’t confirmed our appearance just yet ; ) Don’t miss: PODCAST #013: GOOD GUY BORIS (ENGLISH) The graffiti prankster shares his unique stance on graffiti inclusing the decision to reveal his face to the world and the consequences it has meant.


Country: France
 Language: French
 First aired: 2015 
Frequency: Bi-weekly Fuzi UV TPK needs no introduction. The infamous Parisian writer who was central to the popularization of the ''ignorant style'' and has since become a household name in tattoo and gallery art. For his podcast project, he is extremely well placed to talk to legends, emerging talents and other figures related to the world of graffiti and street culture? His series includes interviews with graffiti lawyers, writers with a criminal past, gallery curators and street artists, his engaging conversations painting a picture of each guest’s creative career. Definitely the realest podcast you can find in French. Don’t miss: Ep. 34: Jace. An episode dedicated to the French character artist Jace. 


Country: Spain 
Language: Spanish 
First aired: 2021 
Frequency: Monthly The legendary Musa71 presents this podcast specialized in interviewing veteran writers on the Spanish scene, with a generally retrospective character. Pioneers such as Moockie from Barcelona, ​​Loco13 and Kami from Alicante and Zeta from Madrid rub shoulders with established writers like Vino, MS1 and Zeus. Guests take a deep but informal look into their beginnings in graffiti and their most relevant experiences in conversations that can exceed two hours. The podcast made possible thanks to collaborators like Hen, who help introduce and interview the writers, putting a more specific focus and adding to the relaxed nature of the chats. Don’t miss: Episode 3: KAMI TFP. Kami recalls the experiences that led him to be quite possibly the first Spanish graffiti writer to travel to New York.


Country: Mexico 
Language: Spanish
 First aired: 2022 
Frequency: Weekly The Mexican graffiti scene has experienced a wild evolution in recent years. As you’d imagine, podcasts form an important part of its promotion. The “Relegados” podcast was inaugurated in February 2022 and has since published a series of weekly half-hour shows. Keops' deep knowledge of graffiti and Nachi's objective vision are perfectly articulated so that the conversations are of great interest to both writers and the curious. Each show presents entertaining and surprising tales that help to understand the peculiarities of graffiti in Mexico: from dodging violent shootings in freight yards to endearing stories like the one about Acme fulfilling his dream of making a trip to Europe. We were particularly pleased to hear the occasional shout out to Montana Colors in some of the episodes. Don’t miss: Ep. 4: Viaje a España. The charming story of Acme, a humble country boy who fulfills his dream of traveling to Spain, where he meets the founder of Montana Colors, Jordi Rubio.


Country: Germany 
Language: German
 First aired: 2020 
Frequency: Monthly Kid Crow and One Take are veteran graffiti writers and the presenters of the Walls Don’t Lie podcast: a slick operation which covers the graffiti scene in Germany in depth. Like many of the other programs on this list, it was founded in 2020, suggesting that the international lockdown was the catalyst for this format of audio entertainment. There’s a good mix of guests, from old-school to new-school, legal character writers to train bombers, plus some shows that focus on topics like the evolution of spray cans and graffiti video games. Don’t miss: FOLGE20: BOND. The German innovator Bond Truluv talks India, optical illusions and NFTs in this special show.


Country: Brazil
 Language: Portuguese 
First aired: 2019 
Frequency: Monthly Starting out in 2019, Salve Os Muros is a podcast out of Brasília presented by graffiti writers, Vinícius Musgo and Ramon Phanton. As well as providing coverage of the immense national scene in Brazil, Musgo also takes time to review classic documents from the history of graffiti like Style Wars, look at the role of women in graffiti and myth bust certain urban legends about the art form. They have also mastered the method of the meme, as their IG feed demonstrates. Don’t miss: Ep. 044: Salve por aí – São Paolo. The presenters are on fine form as they take a trip to largest city in the country, whose graffiti scene is world famous: São Paolo.


Country: UK 
Language: English 
First aired: 2018 
Frequency: Weekly UK beatboxer turned all-round entertainer Killa Kela seems to produce a ceaseless stream of content each month, and he’s a natural interviewer, evident in his podcast series. His weekly uploads showcase some of the finest talent from the British Isles, notably Eine, Panik and Prime - but you’re just as likely to find guests from the celebrated UK music scene, like DJ Hype, Example or DJ MK. The interviews are also available on YouTube, and his live events have started to bring together artists from all over the spectrum, including live graffiti battles. Don’t miss: The Killa Kela Podcast with Drax WD PFB. The London veteran talks about the links between graffiti, fashion and football firms in the UK capital. 


Country: USA
 Language: English
 First aired: 2020
 Frequency: Monthly Another contribution from the U.S.A, the Graffiti Machine Podcast was founded by Bus 166 and the late Sir Kub. Unlike most other podcasts, it doesn’t aim to attract listeners through well-known guests. Its concept is to touch on topics central to anyone with even a passing interest in the graffiti game. From inspiration to beef, motivation and addiction, the Graffiti Machine Podcast is a thoughtful and mature guide to graffiti. Don’t Miss: 018: Rest In Peace Kub. An incredibly personal episode when Bus 166 pays tribute to his crew mate, co-host and friend, Christopher John Moyen aka Kub.
 Montana Colors has also dabbled in audio content. Check out our interviews with Ven AOK, Broken Fingaz, Kid Acne and Nasca. What do you think of our selection? Any glaring omissions?? Let us know in the comments.  
by mtn-world via Montana World

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