The Crystal Ship Street Art Festival Making Big Waves in Ostend, Belgium 2023
The Crystal Ship , curated by Bjørn Van Poucke ( All About Things ), has dropped its anchor once again for another successful street art festival on the streets of Ostend, turning the coastal town into Belgium’s leading open-air gallery. Local and international urban artists invited to The Crystal Ships’ eighth edition were; Cleon Peterson , Slim Safont , Pat Perry , Moulaye Sarr , MOMO , Mobstr , Joëlle Dubois , Juane , Elléna Lourens , Julien de Casabianca and Gviiie . LA-based artist Cleon Peterson painted in his signature style, whose chaotic and violent paintings show clashing figures in a struggle between power and submission in the fluctuating architecture of contemporary society. @jules_cesure Slim Safont travelled from Barcelona to paint inside a school and educational centre, so he chose a positive message to the students regarding thinking, meeting and relating around the paint. @jules_cesure ...